Northern Light Mercy Hospital

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Northern Light Mercy Hospital is a not-for-profit community hospital in Portland, Maine. It was founded in 1918 by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland and the Sisters of Mercy to provide excellent healthcare, especially to the poor and disadvantaged. Mercy is located on a 42-acre campus overlooking the Fore River. Northern Light Mercy Hospital opened as “Queen’s Hospital” on the corner of State Street and Congress Street in response to the 1918 flu pandemic after city hospitals refused Irish Catholic patients during that pandemic. It had 25 beds.

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Northern Light Mercy Hospital, situated in Portland, Maine, has made noteworthy advancements in ESG sustainability, notably through energy-efficient building designs, waste reduction strategies, and responsible sourcing practices. Their commitment to social responsibility is evident in their community outreach programs, charity care efforts, and initiatives aimed at improving healthcare access for vulnerable populations. Northern Light Mercy Hospital’s governance structure emphasizes ethical conduct, compliance, and stakeholder engagement, further solidifying their reputation as a leader in ESG sustainability within the healthcare sector.

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