Noodles & Company

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We’re real people who treat each other like real family and are always open to making new friends. Together we create craveable flavors from around the globe, where every recipe is made to order and every ingredient is something to feel good about. But we’re still individuals with unique goals and different passions. After all, one person’s Wisconsin Mac & Cheese is another person’s Penne Rosa, and that’s the way it should be. Mission: To always nourish and inspire every team member, guest and community we serve.

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Restaurants & Cafes

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As the world has changed in unprecedented ways over the past 18 months, two things have remained constant for me: the joy I feel with my family around the dinner table and the comfort of coming together over a bowl of noodles. It’s here where we sat together through months of lockdown and uncertainty, finding solace in this simple pleasure of eating together. It’s here where we’ve unpacked difficult conversations about the world around us and learned how to better amplify our voices to make our communities stronger. And it’s here where we found laughter during hard times, connection despite so much distance, and a reason to start even stronger tomorrow Nothing has humbled me more in recent months than hearing similar stories from our guests. Knowing that Noodles has been a catalyst for change, an answer to comfort craved, and a high point in our guests’ days, has driven us to nourish and inspire in every way we possibly can. Our passionate team members have stood on the front lines throughout the highs and lows of the last year and a half to serve our guests and support our communities.

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