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For over 85 years, Nevco has provided facilities with the highest quality scoring and display products in the industry. The Company’s headquarters remain at its original location in Greenville, Illinois. With offices in the United States and Canada, Nevco began marketing internationally in the early 1970s. Today, Nevco scoreboards, message centers and video displays are used to enhance the fan experience at events worldwide. The Company derived its name from its founder, Ralph Nevinger. Nevco is known to be the largestPrivately held scoreboard manufacturer in the world. The Company is headed by G. D. Moore. The first scoreboard model, manufactured in 1934, consisted of a white oak cabinet with a glass dial clock and glass disks for the scores. Since that time, Nevco has been a leader in the transformation of the scoring and display industry. Scoreboard technology has advanced from the use of electric motors to solid state electronics; from incandescent bulb models to LED technology; and from hard wired control systems to the use of wireless controls.

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Community centers play an important role in local municipalities. They provide low-cost opportunities for residents to maintain a healthy lifestyle, ranging from fitness classes to aquatics. Nevco helps enhance the community center experience with reliable solutions such as: LED message centers that display upcoming event information in an eye-catching manner. Versatile multi-sport scoreboards with numerous capabilities and functions. A full suite of accessories to amplify tournaments, practices, and league sports

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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