National Material

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National Material Steel Group was established in 1964 and is now identified as a leader in steel processing and supply-chain management. Servicing the needs of the steel industry and prominent industrial and consumer product manufacturers, NMC is a company that leads the way through efficiency, innovation, and performance. National Material Company (NMC) is part of the National Material Limited Partnership (NMLP) steel division, which is one of the largest independent steel service centers in the United States. NMLP operates 16 steel service centers and processing facilities in North America, Canada, and Mexico and ships over 2,000,000 tons of steel annually.

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Leading steel processor National Material Company, like the rest of the steel industry, is watching carefully as steel demand recovers in 2021. As the coronavirus pandemic affected all areas of the global economy, 2020 was a year like no other, and we are grateful for the cautious hope the new year brings. As supply chains continue to stabilize, shipments of raw materials from other countries and manufacturing of parts has resumed. The World Steel Association says it expects steel demand to recover in 2021 to 1,717 million metric tons, an increase of 3. 8 percent compared with 2020. The recovery of steel demand will be more visible in the second half of 2021, World Steel predicts, and will be driven by construction, especially infrastructure investment, as the government has put forward several new infrastructure initiatives.

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