MOOYAH Burgers Fries and Shakes

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MOOYAH Burgers, Fries & Shakes is a fast-casual, “better burger” concept offering mouthwatering made-to-order burgers, French fries hand cut from Idaho potatoes, and real ice cream shakes. Founded in 2007, the Plano, Texas-based company serves fresh, 100% Certified Angus Beef® brand burgers, all natural Jennie-O® turkey burgers and black bean veggie burgers. MOOYAH’s non-GMO potato and multigrain buns are baked in-house daily, and Guests can choose from five real cheeses, bacon, avocado and 20 free sauces and toppings made from garden-fresh veggies. MOOYAH Guests can choose from 7 flavors of 100% real ice cream shakes, including vanilla, Hershey’s chocolate, Reese’s, Oreo and more. While many Guests dine in-restaurant, MOOYAH also offers online ordering and carry out for Guests on the go as well as a loyalty app.

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We love fun. In fact, we’re fun-loving lovers of fun. And yet, we couldn’t be more serious about our food. We’re talking never-frozen beef, hand-cut fries, real ice cream shakes, and other delicious nouns preceded by quality-assuring adjectives. Here, “serious” and “fun” are one with the bun. Below are a few MOOYAH milestones. We think the years are fairly accurate. Our intern compiled these from scribbled notes on napkins. To be honest, we’ve been too busy having fun to worry about our place in the pantheon of best burger places. In fact, we’ve been too busy to even look up what “pantheon” means, but we’re pretty sure it’s a good thing. We’ve always been committed to helping our communities. Imagine having your very own MOOYAH, one of the fastest-growing “better burger” concepts around

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