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Marubeni Corporation (securities code: 8002) is one of Japan’s largest trading companies (sogo shosha) with more than 160 years of history. Headquartered in Tokyo, Marubeni continues to expand its businesses across the globe, with a presence in over 65 countries and more than 130 branches and offices worldwide. Marubeni is involved in the handling of products and provision of services in a broad range of sectors, with our 4300+ employees engaging in business as corporate staff or through one of our many Business Divisions: Lifestyle; IT Solutions; Food-I and Food-II; Agri Business; Forest Products; Chemicals; Metals & Mineral Resources; New Energy Business Development; Energy; Power; Infrastructure Projects; Aerospace & Ship; Finance, Leasing & Real Estate Business; Construction, Industrial Machinery & Mobility; Next Generation Business Development; and Next Generation Corporate Development. In these areas, Marubeni’s business encompasses importing and exporting, as well as transactions in the Japanese market, as well as investment, development, and management on a global level.

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Retail & Wholesale


International Trade & Development

ESG/Ethical Impact

The Marubeni Group aims to transform the total environmental impact of its business activities to a positive one by contributing to low-carbon and decarbonization through its business activities while itself achieving net-zero GHG emissions. The Marubeni Group aims to transform the total environmental impact of its business activities to a positive one by contributing to low-carbon and decarbonization through its business activities while itself achieving net-zero GHG emissions.

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