Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group

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Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group is the award-winning owner and operator of some of the world’s most luxurious hotels, resorts and residences. Having grown from its Asian roots into a global brand, the Group now operates 36 hotels and 7 residences in 23 countries and territories, with each property reflecting the Group’s oriental heritage and unique sense of place. Mandarin Oriental has a strong pipeline of hotels and residences under development, and is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group. Mandarin Oriental’s aim is to be recognized widely as the best global luxury hotel group, providing 21st century luxury with oriental charm in each of its hotels. This will be achieved by investing in the Group’s exceptional facilities and its people, while maximizing profitability and long-term shareholder value. The Group regularly receives recognition and awards for outstanding service and quality management. The strategy of the Group is to open the hotels currently under development, while continuing to seek further selective opportunities for expansion around the world.

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Over the past year, we have made enhancements in our ESG Policies, and disclosed climate-related financial risks in our first Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures report in 2022. Communication is a key to our success, and a dedicated sustainability department was set up in 2022 to enhance the overall sustainability governance structure. We use Greenview Portal as our sustainability data management system, and we are in progress of aligning with the robust industry criteria set by Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). In 2022, we reduced our Scope 1 emissions from 16% in 2012 to 12%, while Scope 2 emissions increased from 84% to 88% over the same period. We are not yet reporting on Scope 3 emissions, but we are working closely with our industry peers to help develop this framework. We achieved a 30% carbon intensity reduction, 31% energy intensity reduction, and 16% water intensity reduction against our 2012 baselines. We are on track with our Environmental Group Targets for 2030, with positive progress made by our hotels in meeting their individual property targets. Energy audits in our hotels at three-year intervals provide insights to hotel operations, which inform recommended strategies and efficiency projects. Six energy audits were performed in 2022 in line with guidance from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers Procedures for Commercial Energy Audits with estimated future savings of US$1. 1 million per annum. We have continued our hard work of eliminating 99% of single-use plastics across all operations in 2022 excluding supplier packaging. We estimate our efforts avoid more than 930 metric tons of plastic waste yearly. Continuing our responsible procurement endeavours from 2021, our key priority categories of endangered seafood, coffee, tea, cocoa, vanilla and paper achieved 100% responsible sourced status, verified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, our independent third-party assurance.

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