The story of the world’s most famous bakery begins in 1996 on a quaint, cobblestone corner in the West Village where Magnolia Bakery opened its doors for the first time. The sweet smell of cakes and cookies and pies and pudding tumbled out, wafting down the streets, beckoning all in. Our red velvet cupcakes became iconic and people lined up around the block for our banana pudding. There was even talk of New York pretzel guys becoming cupcake guys. Magnolia Bakery was a destination for locals and tourists alike. It was time for us to open the cupboards and share our magic with the world. Our neighborhood bakery found its way into new neighborhoods near and far, we wrote cookbooks and helped people all over celebrate their most important moments. And while we have grown, a few things will always remain: open early and close late, a dollop of buttercream makes everything better, and our mission: make today sweeter than yesterday.
Magnolia Bakery
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Magnolia Bakery places a strong emphasis on sustainable sourcing of ingredients, opting for responsibly produced and locally sourced materials, thereby reducing its environmental footprint and supporting local agriculture. The company actively engages in initiatives to reduce food waste by optimizing production processes, donating surplus food to local charities, and minimizing waste throughout its supply chain.Community Engagement: Magnolia Bakery actively engages with local communities by participating in charitable events, donating to food banks, and supporting nonprofit organizations, thereby enhancing social well-being and community development. Magnolia Bakery supports local economies by sourcing ingredients locally, thus stimulating regional economic growth and fostering stronger ties with local communities. The brand actively seeks eco-friendly packaging solutions, reducing single-use plastics and promoting the use of recyclable and biodegradable materials, contributing to waste reduction and responsible consumption.
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