Magellan Solutions Outsourcing Inc.

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Magellan Solutions Outsourcing Inc. (Magellan) is an inbound and outbound call center and business processing outsourcing provider in the Philippines. Combining unrivaled expertise and capabilities across industries and business functions, we bring fresh and new approaches to strategies and operational performance of business operations by delivering the right BPO and customer management solutions that span the entire customer lifecycle. We use our business-process knowledge and resources to create and implement solutions with and for our business customers worldwide. The company has 17 years of experience in providing best-in-class outsourced solutions to SMEs and as well as large global enterprises, which now include a Fortune 50 Telco Company. As a leading business process outsourcing provider of customer management solutions, we are committed to delivering outstanding customer experience with every interaction. Our company believes that customer experience is key to establishing lasting value for both business and their customers.

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Magellan Solutions is dedicated to combating climate change by setting ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets and adopting sustainable transportation practices to minimize emissions. The company actively pursues initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, such as investing in energy-efficient technologies, implementing waste reduction programs, and sourcing renewable energy to power its operations. The company places a high premium on the health and well-being of its employees, offering wellness programs, mental health support, and a safe and inclusive work environment. Magellan Solutions values the input and concerns of its stakeholders, actively engaging with them to incorporate their feedback into its decision-making processes, thereby fostering trust and collaboration.

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