Long John Silver’s

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Long John Silver’s is a classic American brand founded in 1969, and stands today as the nation’s largest quick-service seafood chain with more than 1,100 franchised restaurants in the U.S. and Asia. Long John Silver’s is famous for its pure, wild-caught Alaskan whitefish that’s hand dipped in the restaurant and cooked to golden perfection. All wild-caught fish served at Long John Silver’s is sourced from a U.S. fishery that has been certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council since 2005 and certified as responsibly managed under the Global Trust/ASMI FAO-based standards.

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We treat every moment as an opportunity to celebrate the food we love the most from the place we love most – the sea. We have always believed that our unique seafood experience should be accessible to all. But our love of the sea goes so much deeper. Our guests are treated to an unforgettable experience in addition to a delicious meal. We’re angling to give you that warm and crumblies feeling, moments of sea-prise and delight, and ring-the-bell service every single voyage. Long before sustainability became a buzzword, we were working with partners who shared the vision of fishing smarter with less environmental impact.

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