Logan’s Roadhouse

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Logan’s Roadhouse is a leading casual dining steakhouse headquartered in Nashville, TN. Offering wood-fire grilled steaks, signature yeast roll and American-inspired signature favorites for 25 years, Logan’s has 204 corporate and franchise restaurants in 23 states. Logan’s is owned by CraftWorks Holdings, a multi-concept group that has over 390 locations across the US. Our sister concepts include Old Chicago, Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery, Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant, Big River Grille & Brewing Works and other brands.

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A laidback, “come as you are” kind of place where you can crack open a cold one and enjoy steakhouse quality meat in the comfort of jeans and a t-shirt. It’s where the atmosphere is lively, beer is served ice cold, rolls are made-from-scratch and are endless, steak is grilled over real mesquite wood… the way it was meant to be and genuine hospitality is part of the DNA. There are no strangers at a Roadhouse, only friends.

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