Laughing Planet

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Laughing Planet Café is a quick-service restaurant that offers fresh, healthy, and affordable food, using locally sourced, organic ingredients and globally inspired flavors. Our menu includes a wide variety of burritos, bowls, salads, soups, quesadillas, smoothies, organic green juices, freshly baked desserts, and more. Diners will find tons of vegan and vegetarian options, a family friendly environment, and restaurant management that is committed to the neighborhood and to local food growers.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

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Laughing Planet’s primary charitable giving focuses on programs supporting social justice, environment, education, and democracy in the communities where we do business. Throughout the year we receive a large number of requests from nonprofit organizations striving to make a positive impact, and we are thankful to be able to provide support to a variety of organizations and causes. While we would like to respond favorably to all requests, understandably, the needs are far greater than our allocated resources and we are unable to accommodate them all. Laughing Planet accepts and reviews funding requests throughout the year on a rolling basis and organizations are eligible to submit one application per fiscal year. Each quarter Laughing Planet will donate $1 from every kids smoothie sold to charities that are chosen by the employees. The organizations chosen must follow our general requirements above and it is strongly encouraged that impact local partners in our communities we inhabit.

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