KORE Wireless

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KORE is a pioneer, leader, and trusted advisor delivering transformative business performance from IoT solutions. We empower organizations of all sizes to improve IoT operational and business results by simplifying the complexity of IoT. Our deep IoT knowledge and experience, global reach, purpose-built solutions, and deployment agility accelerate and materially impact our customers’ business outcomes. An independent, expert advisor, KORE eliminates the time-consuming need to identify, evaluate, contract, and manage multiple network connectivity providers, equipment manufacturers, as well as application enablement and professional services organizations. We deliver all of the components required for a successful IoT implementation, as well as the proven expertise and guidance that organizations need to maximize IoT investments and transform IoT business performance.

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Internet of Things (IoT)


Telecommunications Services

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At KORE, we are proud to leverage nearly two decades of IoT experience to help organizations deploy IoT solutions that have a positive and profound impact in the communities where we work and live. From helping healthcare providers remotely monitor chronic conditions of patients and check on at-home seniors, to enabling schools to improve school bus and student safety, our work in IoT has a personal significance that reaches far beyond IoT business applications. KORE believes we can do much more to extend our contribution from communities close to home to people and places around the world. We believe that as a successful global company, it is our duty and responsibility to give back and make the world a better place now and for generations to come. With these intentions in mind, KORE has committed our support to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.The United Nations defines sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The three core elements of this development are economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection.

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