Kong Inc

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We are THE cloud connectivity company. Kong creates software and managed services that connect APIs and microservices natively across and within clouds, Kubernetes, data centers and more using intelligent automation. Built on an open source core, Kong’s service connectivity platform enables digital innovation by allowing organizations to reliably and securely manage the full lifecycle of APIs and services for modern architectures, including microservices, serverless and service mesh. By providing developer teams with unprecedented architectural freedom, Kong accelerates innovation cycles, increases productivity, and seamlessly bridges legacy and modern systems and applications. For more information about Kong, please visit konghq.com or follow @thekonginc on Twitter.

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Cloud Computing


Software Development

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Our growing team of engineers and tech professionals work passionately to drive the future of API innovation and service control platforms. We strive to help our community and our customers stay at the forefront of technology and innovation. For the 2nd year in a row, Kong has been recognized as a Great Place to Work-Certified organization! We are thrilled to share that 94% of our employees say that Kong is a great place to work – 35% higher than the average U.S.-based company. Kong accomplishes this by making employee experience a top priority through six core values: Be Inclusive; Be Authentic; Be Relentlessly Resourceful; Be Customer-Obsessed; Be Curious; Be an Owner.

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