King’s Fish House

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A long time ago, we embarked on a road trip in search of the ultimate seafood experience. We traveled down the highways and byways, pulled up a seat, put on bibs, and soaked up the seafood experience: The no-name dishes with unforgettable flavor, the fresh-caught oysters and clams piled high, the hand-lettered specials on ancient chalkboards, and the savory simmer of every combination of spices imaginable… .The pleasure of preparing and sharing seafood was simple and genuine, and it brought out the best in everyone. Often we felt as if we’d been welcomed into somebody’s home. That’s what King’s Fish House is all about – and we’ve tried to bring all of these ideas together into one single, spectacular place, filled with camaraderie and celebration, and the things we love best!

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King’s Fish House features seasonal catches, live shellfish, daily menus and a familiar, welcoming environment that brings out the best in flavors, friends and families. What started as a unique and quintessential American fish house in Southern California has become the community’s first choice for seafood – from the Southland and beyond. Our restaurants are located throughout greater Los Angeles, Orange County, Inland Empire and San Diego, and in San Jose, Arizona and Nevada as well.

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