K&A Engineering Consulting

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K&A’s experience includes all aspects of electric power generation, substation, transmission, distribution, energy efficiency, and distributed energy resource (DER) projects, from planning, environmental, and regulatory analyses through engineering & design, construction, program management, and commissioning. K&A has deep roots in the Power Generation and T&D sectors with an average employee having 20 years or more of experience. Because of these deep roots K&A has been able to attract top-tier talent and quickly evolve into a multi-discipline full-service Engineering & PMO company offering professional services throughout the US and internationally.

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K&A Engineering Consulting has demonstrated a commendable commitment to ESG impacts, spanning environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and strong corporate governance. Their dedication to sustainable engineering practices, employee welfare, community engagement, and ethical governance underscores their determination to operate as a responsible and sustainable business, creating enduring value for all stakeholders. K&A works with a diverse range of clients, including utilities, contractors, and renewable energy developers. We create customized solutions leveraging best practices and experience to solve the vast array of our client’s challenges. Since we are involved with projects ranging from conceptual and permitting through detailed design, construction, commissioning, and testing, our engineers account for cost, schedule, and constructability in their work product. By incorporating all of the above into our engineering and design, we feel K&A provides an essential value-added service that benefits all parties involved.

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