Jersey Mike’s

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Jersey Mike’s believes that making a sub sandwich and making a difference can be one and the same. During the pandemic alone, franchise owners across the country have donated millions of sub sandwiches to healthcare workers, seniors, children and others. The company also donated more than $5 million to Feeding America, $1 million to Aaron Judge’s ALL RISE Foundation and $1 million to support the USTA Foundation’s mission to bring tennis and education together to change lives. Jersey Mike’s Subs, with more than 2,500 locations open and under development nationwide, serves authentic fresh sliced/fresh grilled subs on in-store freshly baked bread — the same recipe it started with in 1956. Passion for giving in Jersey Mike’s local communities is reflected in its mission statement “Giving…making a difference in someone’s life.”

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Our Core Values: If someone shows kindness, caring, and a willingness to help others, they’re showing compassion. This is a word for a very positive emotion that has to do with being thoughtful and decent. Someone who is capable of being easily taught and trained to do something better. Someone open to advice or criticism in order to develop. Someone who is possessing or exhibiting energy, especially in abundance; vigorous: someone who is powerful in action. These people always have a sense of purpose in everything they do. Someone who works with energy and commitment; diligent. one who is industrious and diligent in carrying out tasks or duties. “If you believe in yourself and have confidence in what you do, there Is nothing you can’t accomplish in life with hard work and determination”.

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