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Founded by Ivar Haglund in Seattle in 1938, Ivar’s Restaurants is now the premier seafood restaurant company in the Pacific Northwest. We currently have 3 full-service and 22 quick-service locations in Washington state, plus we operate Ivar’s stands at your favorite local sports stadiums. Our company also owns 7 Kidd Valley Hamburger restaurants and a production facility in Mukilteo where we manufacture our soups and sauces.

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From its early beginnings — with Ivar Haglund selling fish ‘n chips on Seattle’s waterfront in 1938 — to today, Ivar’s has winged its way to Marysville and Tacoma, plus a few clam beds in between. The Ivar’s dining experience offers 18 fast casual Seafood Bars and three full-service waterfront-view restaurants: Ivar’s Acres of Clams, Ivar’s Salmon House, and Ivar’s Mukilteo Landing. Ivar’s also operates stadium concessions in T-Mobile Park, Lumen Field, Cheney Stadium, and Husky Stadium. No matter which restaurant you choose, you’ll find the award-winning Ivar’s seafood you love.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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