Illegal Pete’s

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Illegal Pete’s was started on The Hill in Boulder in 1995 by Colorado-native Pete Turner. Of his intent, Pete says, “I wanted to create a fun and energetic atmosphere with music playing, employees having fun, and I wanted to include our customers in the fun.” Serving Mission-style burritos, tacos, nachos, and more from morning till late night, our now-10+ locations across Colorado and Arizona work to keep that spirit alive in every burrito and marg we sling.

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Creatives are a major part of Illegal Pete’s from our customers, to our community, and our own crew. When RE:FRESH began in 2020, founder and president Pete Turner called upon local arts producer Annie Geimer (Artist Liaison at Meow Wolf) to assemble an artist team that could commemorate Illegal Pete’s 25th Anniversary and address business improvements. Supporting the arts is a tradition: Nearly a century ago, emerging artist Grant Wood lived in the Turner family’s carriage house—where he went on to paint the iconic American Gothic. This cemented in Pete Jr. the importance of supporting the arts through business, a core value at Illegal Pete’s. We are the biggest fans of comedians, Adam Cayton-Holland, Ben Roy & Andrew Orvedahl and we support them whenever we can!

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