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Ichibanya Co., Ltd. is a Japanese food services company based in Ichinomiya, Aichi. ICHIBANYA Co., Ltd. owns the top curry rice restaurant chain in Japan, Curry House CoCo ICHIBANYA or usually just CoCo ICHIBAN or CoCo ICHI. The chain owns both direct and franchise restaurants in a total of eleven countries: United States, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Vietnam, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, and Japan and India. The chain used to have an outlet in Malaysia, however, due to lack of popularity and poor business, Ichibanya recently shut down the outlet. The Curry House chain is by far the company’s largest business.

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Restaurants & Cafes

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Continue to impress people through our operations, and have a presence that is regarded as necessary for the regional society. We wish to satisfy all customers, make people happy, and impress them favorably. Thinking in this manner, Ichibanya not only develops a menu system that meets diverse needs but provides painstaking customer service and thorough cleaning in the vicinity of its restaurants. The company certainly will not compromise its principles. That is because “impressing people” is not the result of “acting as expected. ” Such an impression is only created when the expected level of behavior is surpassed. Our supreme challenge is to polish our “hospitality,” which is the essence of the restaurant industry. This does not mean simply taking the low-price route. It means raising our quality, service, cleanliness, atmosphere, and reliability to a level that is higher than is expected. In this way, we hope to improve our value to our customers and therefore to society. In order to carry out our mission and achieve our business objective, we will not only adhere to legal and social norms but will actively engage in constructive communication with stakeholders who are associated with our company.

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