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Founded in Minneapolis, Kansas in 1899 by Guy L. Huyett, Huyett is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer and master distributor of lifting hardware and industrial fasteners like pins, key stock, grease fittings, snap rings, and more. We’re a team-oriented group of 100+ employees committed to high-quality service, developing business partnerships, and exceeding industry standards. We embrace a Culture of Excellence that puts the interests of our customers and our team members ahead of the individual. Employees and management work together in a respectful environment to improve efficiency, continuously improve processes, and encourage innovation contributions.

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Recognizing an opportunity to contribute to local non-profit organizations in and around Minneapolis, KS, planning for a Community Garden began in the winter of 2018. An employee committee consisting of volunteers met to draw up plans, develop a budget, and determine a planting, harvesting, and distribution schedule for the project. Following winter’s thaw in early March, construction of the garden began with dirt work to carve out and level a 40-foot by 80-foot area of ground in a wheat field south of Huyett’s headquarters in Minneapolis, KS. Soon after, truckloads of sand and crushed limestone were brought in to level the garden and adequately support drainage. Secondhand fencing was sourced, cleaned, and painted before being installed to define the perimeter of the garden. A water source was extended to the garden and a sprinkler system was installed to help keep plants irrigated and protected against the hot, dry, and windy summers Kansas is well known for. During April, employee volunteers and their families worked late into the evening during two separate work sessions to assemble raised aluminum garden beds. The beds were then filled with empty aluminum cans collected by employees before being filled with bag after bag of top soil and fertilizer. Employees also constructed trellises from repurposed warehouse rack shelving to support climbing plants.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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