Huntington National Bank

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Huntington Bancshares Incorporated is a regional bank holding company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, with $106 billion of assets and a network of 970 branches and 1,860 ATMs across eight Midwestern states. Founded in 1866, The Huntington National Bank and its affiliates provide consumer, small business, commercial, treasury management, wealth management, brokerage, trust, and insurance services. Huntington also provides auto dealer, equipment finance, national settlement and capital market services that extend beyond its core states

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Financial Services


Banking & Lending

ESG/Ethical Impact

Our ESG foundation is grounded in understanding this is not a short-term process, but a long-term goal that will lead Huntington to continued ESG success. We recognize that a focus on ESG is important to our business and stakeholders. Huntington’s commitment to serving others has been our core value and purpose since our founding in 1866. This dedicated focus on being a trusted partner has never been more important. Our stakeholders—our communities, customers, colleagues, and shareholders—are living through periods of rapid innovation and promising change Technological, social, environmental, economic, and numerous other advancements will impact all of us in the years to come. Huntington has never been better-positioned to address the challenges—and capitalized on the opportunities—that change presents. Our steadfast focus on creating more inclusive and economically vibrant communities, becoming the best place our colleagues will ever work, and helping customers manage their energy transition and decarbonization efforts are enabling us to chart our path forward. Our continued progress would not be possible without the dedication of Huntington’s nearly 20,000 colleagues.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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