HPS Investment Partners, LLC

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HPS Investment Partners is a leading global investment firm that seeks to provide creative capital solutions and generate attractive risk-adjusted returns for our clients. We manage various strategies across the capital structure that include syndicated leveraged loans and high yield bonds to privately negotiated senior secured debt and mezzanine investments, asset-based leasing and private equity. The scale and breadth of our platform offers the flexibility to invest in companies large and small, through standard or customized solutions. At our core, we share a common thread of intellectual rigor and discipline that enables us to create value for our clients, who have entrusted us with approximately $101 billion of assets under management as of June 2023.

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ESG/Ethical Impact

We aspire to be a partner of choice for investors seeking well-performing ESG-integrated portfolios. As such, we strive to incorporate ESG considerations in our investment process with a view to controlling the risks and capturing the opportunities, developing a robust ESG reporting framework for our clients, and our endeavor to strengthen engagement with our portfolio companies has become an important part of our business strategy. There have been several key milestones in our ESG journey. : The roots of HPS’s ESG initiatives can be found in our long-standing focus on mitigating risk— both to our clients and to ourselves. In the past, that focus has helped prompt HPS to walk away from certain investments we judged to be vulnerable to reputational risk. Today, our approach is more holistic, reflecting the belief that ESG factors can not only negatively impact a business and its long-term value, but also positively impact business performance and our overall risk- adjusted returns. HPS Investment Partners’ objec- tive is to provide creative capital solutions for our portfolio com- panies and generate attractive risk-adjusted returns for our clients with a focus on capital preservation. We believe a re- sponsible approach to investing, which emphasizes environmen- tal, social and governance con- siderations, enhances our ability to control risk and volatility in our credit portfolios, safeguard our investors and our Firm from potential reputational harm, and, in certain cases, identify the opportunity to support businesses in their effort to be better insulated from certain risks and better poised to hire and retain the best talent. Our employees are our most valuable asset. Since its inception, HPS has strived to foster a workplace that embraces the diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives of our team. We know firsthand that a diversity of outlooks makes us a better firm and better investors, and we are steadfast in our belief that diversity makes our communities stronger as well. The scope of our environmental, social and governance commitment is framed by our commitment to be a leader in this space. HPS’s sustainability initiatives are both internal, such as fully offsetting our estimated carbon footprint, and external, such as making sizable investments in renewable-energy companies that, in turn, augment energy security and accessibility.

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