Hensley Beverage Company

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Hensley Beverage Company is the leading distributor of craft, domestic and import beer, spirits, fine wine, and non-alcoholic beverages throughout Arizona. Founded in 1955, Hensley Beverage Company is one of the largest privately held companies in Arizona. Hensley offers a very diverse and first- rate portfolio of Anheuser- Busch products, import and craft beers, fine wines, spirits, specialty beverages, energy drinks, water, and teas. Our Mission While preserving trusted partnerships with our employees, customers, community, and our supplier partners; we strive to cultivate new ones and exceed expectations…with the finest team in the industry. Our Vision Through tradition, innovation, and superior service, Hensley will remain the market leader in beverage distribution delivering an expanded portfolio of world- class products as diverse as the communities we serve.

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Corporate Social Responsibility. A commitment to our community Since 1982 Anheuser-Busch and its wholesalers have contributed more than $500 million to promote alcohol responsibility. We are committed to many community outreach and consumer awareness & education programs that are having a positive and significant impact. Below are some of the current programs we have in place that demonstrate our commitment to alcohol responsibility and education. Family Talk About Drinking, a program that helps parents talk to their kids about alcohol, underage drinking and responsible choices. More than just a set of rules, Family Talk About Drinking is a supportive community that allows parents to learn new ideas, share stories, and ask questions about how best to tackle the problem of underage drinking. The Good Sport program is geared toward sports venues with a message to be a “Good Sport” and drink responsibly by designating a driver. Through the use of site-specific messages on Good Sport banners, public service announcements and implementation of the overall program, including give-away merchandise, Hensley and the participating arena concessionaires successfully convey the importance of alcohol responsibility. Some of these venues include University of Phoenix Stadium, Peoria Sports Complex and other spring training facilities, etc. The Arizona Cardinals, Bud Light and TEAM Coalition partner to promote responsible drinking at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, AZ encouraging fans to become designated drivers. Each year, nearly 10,000 fans over 21 years of age, pledge not to drink alcohol at the game, and promise to provide safe transportation from the game for their group.

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