Henry Ford Health System

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Serving communities across Michigan and beyond, Henry Ford Health provides a full range of services – from primary and preventative care, to complex and specialty care, health insurance, comprehensive home health offerings, virtual care, pharmacy, eye care and more. With more than 33,000 valued team members, 250+ ambulatory sites, 5 hospitals and 3 behavioral health facilities, Henry Ford Health is also among Michigan’s largest and most diverse employers, including nearly 6,000 physicians and researchers from the Henry Ford Medical Group, Henry Ford Physician Network and Jackson Health Network. It is comprised of hospitals, medical centers and one of the nation’s largest group practices, the Henry Ford Medical Group, which includes more than 1,200 physicians practicing in over 40 specialties. The System’s flagship, Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a Level 1 Trauma Center recognized for clinical excellence in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, sports medicine, multi-organ transplants and cancer treatment. With more than 30,000 employees, Henry Ford Health System is the fifth-largest employer in metro Detroit, and among the most diverse.

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Health Care Services & Hospitals

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The University of Rochester aims to be a leader in promoting a sustainable society through our academic, education, research, patient care and health programs, in the operation of our campuses and facilities, and in our interactions with the community.Academic Mission Drawing on the multidisciplinary strengths of the University, we aim to pursue research and support education to increase understanding of sustainability. Operational Stewardship We are committed to sustainable operating practices through the responsible management of building design, construction, and renovation, landscape practices, energy use, water and waste management, emissions, transportation, and procurement, within a framework of regulatory compliance and fiscal prudence. Community Responsibility As a major educator, employer, and health care provider in upstate New York, the University of Rochester has a special responsibility to promote sustainability in its research, curricular, clinical, and outreach efforts. We will be a leader and collaborator in supporting an environmentally healthy community.

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