Health Net

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Health Net of California is one of the largest health plans in the state. It contracts with more than 44,000 physicians, nearly 400 hospitals, and more than 4,300 pharmacies, giving its members greater choice and more convenient access to care. Its commercial and Medicare lines of business have received the “Commendable”” accreditation status from the National Committee for Quality Assurance.”

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Health Net’s mission is to harness data for human health. We offer EHR software and predictive, actionable analytics for restorative care providers in rehab therapy and wound care. Our solutions are trusted in over 23,000 facilities across the continuum of care, including the nation’s leading hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, senior living facilities, home health and outpatient clinics. Our EHR software enables caregivers and their organizations to engage effectively with patients, streamline documentation, staff efficiently, secure maximum appropriate reimbursement and maintain regulatory compliance. Our unique approach to analytics seamlessly presents insights in clinical and operational workflows to improve care and business performance. Net Health is a portfolio company of The Carlyle Group, Level Equity and Silversmith Capital Partners. To grow personally, professionally, and in our communities. We appreciate and serve the diverse worlds of our clients and teammates.

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