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We are the trustees of a tradition of quality established when our company was founded in 1870. It is our responsibility to uphold and build on this heritage by maintaining an uncompromising dedication to product quality and by providing an environment where families and friends can nurture the joyful memories that have made Graeter’s an Irresistible part of their lives for generations. To accomplish this we must: Continually reinforce our appropriateness for families in everything we do. Exceed our customers, expectations on every visit. Maintain spotlessly clean facilities. Remain true to the production process and uncompromising commitment to quality that have built our reputation for consistently superior ice cream. Offer a rewarding experience for all members of our team. The Graeter’s standard is excellence. We accept nothing less.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

Graeter’s is a major donor to the The Cure Starts Now Foundation, which fights for the cure for children with brainstem glioma and cancer survivors everywhere. With the support of our customers, our annual Cones For The Cure campaign has raised over $2,200,000 to fund the quest for a cure to all cancers. A special flavor of ice cream was created specifically for the organization —Elena’s Blueberry Pie—to help raise awareness about TCSN’s mission. Graeter’s proudly supports Tender Mercies , which provides housing and supportive services for homeless adults with the histories of severe mental illness. Tender Mercies aims to prevent a return to the streets for the region’s most vulnerable persons. Graeter’s is also an annual major sponsor of The Dan Beard Council Boy Scouts of America®, helping to provide the funds needed to deliver a strong program to over 33,000 local youth.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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