Gotham Greens

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Gotham Greens has redefined urban agriculture by building and operating sustainable greenhouses in cities across America and growing a local supply of produce year-round. Local cultivation and regional distribution allow Gotham Greens to deliver products quickly after being harvested to ensure they are fresh tasting, nutritionally dense and long-lasting. Its unique approach is to bring the farm closer to the consumer; with greenhouses near large urban populations, the consumer is treated to a fresher, longer-lasting products that require fewer resources to produce. The business sprouted in Brooklyn, New York by three founders with a vision for a local, high-tech urban farm. They opened their first commercial greenhouse in 2011. This state of the art hydroponic rooftop facility was the first step on the journey to growing extraordinarily fresh food in extraordinary places. Greenhouses in Chicago, Queens, Providence, Baltimore and Denver have been stood up in the past six years; its latest expansion was in Northern California.

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Agriculture & Forestry


Crop Production

ESG/Ethical Impact

Gotham Greens, as a leading urban agriculture company, has a significant environmental impact related to sustainable agriculture and food production. They promote environmental sustainability by using hydroponic and controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) systems that use less water and land compared to traditional farming. Gotham Greens contributes to local food security and community well-being by providing fresh, locally grown produce year-round. They create employment opportunities in urban areas, support local economies, and offer educational programs related to urban agriculture. Strong governance practices are fundamental in the agriculture and sustainable food industry, and Gotham Greens’ governance impact is central to its operations. They prioritize food safety and quality by implementing rigorous quality control measures.

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