Gateway Casinos

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Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Limited (“Gateway”) is one of the largest and most diversified gaming and entertainment companies in Canada. Across its 27 gaming properties in British Columbia, Ontario and Edmonton, Alberta, Gateway currently employs approximately 8,279 people and boasts approximately 440 table games (including 48 poker tables), 13,915 slots, 93 restaurants and bars and 561 hotel rooms. Gateway is the service provider for the Central, Southwest and North gaming Bundles in Ontario, which includes 11 properties in their portfolio. A multi-pronged growth strategy has seen Gateway diversify and expand its product offering, including developing proprietary casino and restaurant brands, dramatically improving the gaming customer experience while attracting new customers. Some of Gateway’s proprietary brands include Match Eatery & Public House, Atlas Steak + Fish and the new Halley’s Club. In 2017, Gateway celebrated 25 years in the business of gaming and entertainment in Canada.

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Gateway takes every opportunity to ensure our projects proceed with an awareness of climate- related risks and opportunities. This environmental awareness starts at the very beginning of our journey with the procurement process. As part of our overall procurement process, Gateway’s risk management strategy is to engage Vendors and procure products that are environmentally friendly. Currently when contracting a vendor, Gateway endeavors to ensure that the services provided are performed with consideration of the environment. Each vendor is reminded to make every attempt to utilize green products or processes wherever possible In addition, Gateway is currently developing a long-term strategy for property upgrades and future developments. We are developing a five-year plan that pertains to facility repair and upgrades, with an aim to specifically make the buildings more efficient through upgrading systems, removing obsolescence, improving technology and tweaking operating methodology as we strive for greener and efficient operations.

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