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Foursquare is the leading independent location technology platform, powering business solutions and consumer products through a deep understanding of location. Over 1,000 clients—including more than 50% of the Fortune 100—choose Foursquare.

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ESG/Ethical Impact

Foursquare, a location data platform, can influence environmental sustainability by optimizing transportation and reducing carbon emissions. By providing location insights, Foursquare helps businesses and individuals make more informed decisions about travel routes, thus contributing to decreased traffic congestion and reduced fuel consumption. Foursquare enhances social experiences by providing users with location-based recommendations and insights. This promotes engagement with local businesses, cultural landmarks, and events, thereby fostering community interaction and exploration. Foursquare’s adherence to data privacy and ethical data usage practices can have a substantial governance impact. By ensuring user data security and transparency, the company can enhance user trust and maintain regulatory compliance.

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