First Eagle Investment Management

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First Eagle is an independent,Privately owned investment management firm headquartered in New York with approximately $109 billion in assets under management (as of 12/31/21). Dedicated to providing prudent stewardship of client assets, the firm focuses on active, fundamental, benchmark-agnostic investing, with a strong emphasis on downside protection. Over a long history dating back to 1864, First Eagle has helped its clients avoid the permanent impairment of capital and earn attractive returns through widely varied economic cycles—a tradition that is central to its mission today. The firm’s investment capabilities include equity, fixed income,Private credit and multi-asset strategies. At First Eagle, clients come first, always. To deliver on this commitment, it is incumbent upon us to nurture an environment that both attracts, develops and retains a talented, inclusive workforce, and inspires each of our employees to do their life’s best work on behalf of our clients. Inherent in this dynamic is a culture that promotes equality, diversity and respect and holds every member of the organization to the highest standards of integrity and accountability.

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Investment & Asset Management

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In terms of the environment, First Eagle understands the effect our consumption of natural resources in the daily conduct of business can have. First Eagle’s portfolio management teams are united under a set of core investment tenets. his tradition remains central to our mission today, guided by a set of core investment tenets that sustains our culture while also allowing philosophical. Though execution may differ by strategy,

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