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This Expro is no amateur. Expro International, a leading UK-based oil field service company, provides a range of oil and gas well management services. Operations include wireline logging, data acquisition, and other cased-hole services to maximize well output; well testing and other surface and environmental systems to enhance small-field production; and well monitoring and other subsurface systems related to deepwater production and well maintenance. Expro, which focuses on production enhancement techniques, has its operations structured into four segments: Well Testing and Commissioning, Wireline Intervention, Connectors & Measurements, and Deepwater Intervention. Expro operates in more than 50 countries.

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Gas & Mining, Oil


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We are proud to showcase highlights of successful partnerships, technology development, and strategic advances that are supporting our clients, helping to support our industry’s drive towards net zero, and contributing to our local communities. We delivered a custom solution in a controlled environment to support the testing of new geothermal technologies – helping to maximize the value of future geothermal wells. A prominent consortium was working with major industry players to test a closed-loop Advanced Geothermal System (AGS) in an indoor facility at the Oklahoma Energy Innovation Center. We were asked to support the test by devising a novel solution to enable tubular running services (TRS) operations inside the facility, including casing strings with up to 15 copper wires running along the outside.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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