Enterprise DB (EDB)

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The world loves Postgres. If you work with developers or data scientists or anyone wrangling data, you’ll probably see a sticker with the tusks and trunk of the Postgres elephant on the lid of a nearby laptop. EDB has a lot to do with that. We’ve been major contributors to Postgres since the beginning, and we are proud to call thousands of boundary pushing customers our partners. Proud though we are, we are not resting on our laurels. There’s plenty of work to do. The good news is that everything we do will impact Postgres, which is to say that it will impact the world. No pressure. Mission: PostgreSQL is more than just database technology. It’s a movement built on a commitment to enable innovation. Teams everywhere experience a daily struggle with technology to do more and go faster. EDB supercharges PostgreSQL to help our customers overcome these challenges.

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Cloud Computing


Enterprise Software & Network Solutions

ESG/Ethical Impact

At EnterpriseDB (EDB), we believe it is critically important to work towards a better world. We believe that ESG management isn’t just about value creation. It must have tangible and positive impacts on both the environment and our society. We incorporate environmental and social considerations into our business decisions, with the goal of protecting our planet and the communities in which our employees live. Our goal is for EDB to be a place where our actions are consistently socially responsible and environmentally sustainable, which we support through a highly effective corporate governance structure and practices. As a software and services company, EDB is already a low carbon-intensive business. We have no factories, production facilities or processing plants. Nevertheless, we will strive to reduce our carbon footprint, improve efficiency, minimize pollution and mitigate other negative impacts on our environment. We will identify and prioritize areas where we can make a direct impact, and commit to incorporating environmentally responsible and sustainable practices into our operations. We continue to build trusted vendor relationships by considering companies’ environmental commitments. We have a deep commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and this is reflected in the talent we have attract- ed. This is in part because of our commitment to recruiting from the broadest possible talent sources. We view diverse backgrounds, cultures, experiences, perspectives and opinions as a strategic asset. Our diversity is also reflective of our global footprint and our customer base.

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