Elite Staffing Inc

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Since 1991 Elite Staffing Inc. has been providing staffing services and temporary employment opportunities for a wide range of clients, from business owners in search of employees, to candidates in search of employment. Elite Staffing offers contract and temporary employment services, direct hire placements, part-time and full-time staffing solutions, as well as on-site managed national staffing programs across the United States. Through the utilization of the Elite USA National Staffing Alliance, our vast national reach sets us apart from other temp staffing agencies nationwide, and allows us the unique capability of providing professional staffing solutions to businesses, and temporary employment services to workers regardless of their situation or location. Mission: Elite Staffing is redefining the concept of a temporary employment service. All personnel we represent are considered permanent employees of our company and given termed work assignments on a regular basis. As a result, only the workplace or task is temporary in nature, not the availability of employment. Our goal is to completely satisfy our clients’ temporary staffing needs while simultaneously creating full-time employment for our work force. This dual approach allows Elite Staffing to provide each of our clients with a dependable temp service that delivers trained and qualified personnel who are dedicated to their job from start to finish.

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Elite Staffing Solutions Inc. is committed to placing you first through dedication to integrity, innovation and partnerships with our employees, customers and the communities we serve. To be the leading provider of human resources services by continually surpassing the expectations of our candidates and clients. ESSI consultants have an exclusive ongoing relationship with our clients, which ensure the highest commitment to their success. Our commitment to a successful placement is our ability to not just fit a candidate to a company’s needs, but ensure there is a culture fit. With our diverse expertise and experience, we are able to scout talent for a spectrum of positions including human resources, sales, marketing, finance, corporate recruitment, operations, logistics, administration and customer response. We provide personnel services in industries such as transportation and logistics, electronics, pharmaceutical, chemical, telecommunications, retail and consumer packaged goods. Elite Staffing Solutions Inc. is a strategic recruitment firm focusing on creating a partership between cutting-edge companies and consummate candidates.

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