ELAP Services LLC functions as a fiduciary sponsor of self-funded health plans. The Company provides plan sponsors legal advice to assist with DoL and HIPAA compliance, offers access to an independent review organization to assure medical compliance, and assumes responsibility for final level appeal decisions. ELAP Services also provides regulatory risk management and other services.
ELAP Services
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The ELAP reference-based pricing solution helps employers take back control of costs while providing their employees with high-quality healthcare and unparalleled support. For more than 14 years the ELAP reference-based pricing solution has helped businesses maximize savings and control costs. The approach is proven. The results are real. Using the ELAP reference-based pricing approach, employers can cut healthcare costs by as much as 30% compared to traditional PPO plans. Stop rising healthcare costs in their tracks and see what 30% savings can do for your business and employees. Since switching to the ELAP solution, Chelsea Senior Living was able to keep premiums low while saving almost a million dollars. For 14+ years, The Langdale Company has used the ELAP solution to drive down healthcare costs.
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