El Pollo Loco

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Our History- In 1980, the very first American El Pollo Loco opened on Alvarado Street in Los Angeles where El Pollo Loco quickly became a local favorite. With authentically prepared flame-grilled, citrus-marinated chicken, freshly prepared ingredients and a welcoming atmosphere customers knew they had a unique dining experience unlike any other in their neighborhood. As word spread, so did our popularity and locations — establishing El Pollo Loco as a true local brand throughout California. While a lot has changed over the past few decades, El Pollo Loco’s commitment to fresh, authentically prepared food has not. And we’re just getting started because with each day that passes, we grow more and more passionate about our food.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

The Board of Directors of El Pollo Loco, Inc. (the “Company”) sets high standards for the Company’s employees, officers and directors. Implicit in this philosophy is the importance of sound corporate governance. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to serve as a prudent fiduciary for shareholders and to oversee the management of the Company’s business. To fulfill its responsibilities and to discharge its duty, the Board of Directors follows the procedures and standards that are set forth in these guidelines. These guidelines are subject to modification from time to time as the Board of Directors deems appropriate in the best interests of the Company or as required by applicable laws and regulations. El Pollo Loco is committed to the humane treatment and well-being of animals. EPL works closely with approved suppliers to ensure a high standard of animal care. EPL is actively engaged with industry experts, suppliers and academia for the latest advancements in animal welfare.

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