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eInfochips, an Arrow company, is a leading global provider of product engineering and semiconductor design services. With over 500+ products developed and 40M deployments in 140 countries, eInfochips continues to fuel technological innovations in multiple verticals. The company’s service offerings include digital transformation and connected IoT solutions, Including IoT Security, across various cloud platforms, including AWS and Azure. Our work culture is built over years of experience in providing innovative solutions to our clients and our indomitable spirit to excel in all aspects of our engagement. We believe that our success lies upon the skills and quality of our people we work with.

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Information Technology


Information Technology Support Services

ESG/Ethical Impact

Sustainable life and development continue to provide substantial challenges. We are exposed to environmental threats daily, including resource depletion, pollution, deforestation, production of electronic trash, poor air, and water quality, destruction of the ozone layer, and more. We require a remedy, and we require one now. Using sustainable technology is a one-way organization and people have started to combat climate change. Sustainable technology is an invention that promotes social and economic progress while taking into consideration natural resources. Leaders in this field develop operations and processes that are intrinsically more sustainable—for instance, innovative manufacturing or materials technologies that use alternative inputs to decrease emissions and waste—and as a consequence, they are rewarded by consumers and investors.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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