Dollar Tree Stores

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At Dollar Tree, we believe that our people are the key to our success. Every individual in every department, from our stores to our corporate office, from Merchandise and Finance to Human Resources and Supply Chain, plays an important role in our organization. We are committed to fostering an environment of collaboration and respect between our team members and to finding candidates who have the ambition, creativity, and intelligence to help us reach our goals. With the right people, we can continue to make great strides in our industry. Mission: Dollar Tree is a customer-oriented operator of variety stores, focused on delivering great value and convenience to customers across North America. We operate with measured and profitable growth, empower associates to share in our opportunities, rewards and successes, and work with others in an honest and considerate way.

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General Merchandise & Superstores

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At Dollar Tree, Inc., we know our business today can contribute to a brighter tomorrow. That’s what we pride ourselves on doing the right things for the right reasons. We’re putting our people and the communities and customers we serve at the forefront of every decision we make. Climate change continues to be a pressing concern for the planet – that’s why Dollar Tree, Inc. makes Environmental Stewardship a priority with every decision we make. Recently, we’ve set our first-generation climate goals, implemented an Environmental Policy, and committed to energy efficiency in all new stores to address our impact on the planet we share. At Dollar Tree, Inc., we believe everything starts with people. From our associates to our leaders to the communities we serve, how we treat people matters most. We believe in implementing policies and partnering with organizations and vendors that ensure equitable and ethical treatment and support of all people. Dollar Tree, Inc. is led by a diverse Board of Directors with a wide array of professional skills and experience. Our Board members’ skills span from consumer/retail industry experience to strategic planning and risk management, and much more. The Board believes their skills cover the areas most important to sustaining our success.

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