Doe Run

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The Doe Run Company is aPrivately held, innovative natural resources company dedicated to responsible mining and metal production. Doe Run manages the lifecycle of lead in our Missouri mining, milling, metal production and recycling operations. We also provide metal fabrication through our Fabricated Products Inc. subsidiary in Arizona and Washington. Our exploration, research and development operations are active in North America. Doe Run approaches business through the principles of sustainability. We make decisions by balancing social, environmental and economic responsibilities. Guiding our decision-making are eight sustainability principles. We hold ourselves accountable to these principles in our annual Sustainability Report, which covers Missouri mining and metal production, as well as fabrication.

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Gas & Mining, Oil


Mining & Metals

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As a natural resources company, our most valuable resource is our people. One of our goals is to be a preferred employer. Overall, Doe Run already provides wages well above average in the communities in which we operate, as well as comprehensive health benefits, but we understand that an employee’s experience at work is more than compensation and benefits. This past year, we surveyed our employees to understand what we are doing well and how we can help them feel more engaged. We also worked to address employee informational needs by expanding employee communications, providing regular company-wide updates in monthly employee meetings, and building out our electronic communications opportunities. We intend to conduct follow-up surveys to measure the impact of these initiatives and identify other ways to support employees.

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