DMC Global Inc.

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description dmcglobal DMC Global operates three differentiated, asset-light manufacturing businesses that serve niche segments of the building products, energy, and industrial infrastructure industries. DMC supports its companies with long-term capital and strategic, financial, legal, technology and operating resources, enabling them to grow their core businesses, launch new initiatives, upgrade technologies and systems, and make acquisitions that improve their competitive positions and expand their markets. The DMC family of companies consists of Arcadia, a leading supplier of architectural building products; DynaEnergetics, which serves the global energy industry; and NobelClad, which addresses the global industrial infrastructure and transportation sectors. Based in Broomfield, Colorado, DMC trades on Nasdaq under the symbol “BOOM.”

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DMC’s 2021 Sustainability Report documents another year in our ongoing journey toward becoming a more resilient, successful and sustainable company. This report reflects the practical and balanced approach DMC takes to sustainability as we address the interests of a broad coalition of stakeholders that includes our employees around the world, the investors who have entrusted us with their capital, the customers and markets that rely on us for innovative products and solutions, and the communities in which we operate. DMC has established a set of sustainability principles that guide our approach to business opportunities and operational risk. These principles also serve as guideposts for DMC’s businesses, which we have empowered to develop innovative programs that adhere to our sustainability objectives. Locally led initiatives ensure the safety of our workplaces; support our efforts to minimize the con- sumption and disposal of raw materials; conserve the energy and natural resources we require to operate; provide employees with opportunities for professional and personal growth; and strengthen our role as an engaged and responsible corporate citizen. Fundamental to DMC’s success is our support of creativity and innovation at every level of the Company. This has resulted in an ever-expanding portfolio of technologies, products and solutions that enhance the efficiency and performance of our customers’ operations. Our focus on innovation also drives our profitable financial growth and supports the long-term sustainability of DMC.

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