Dine Brands Global

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Founded in 2007, Dine Brands Global, Inc. (formerly DineEquity) passionately nurtures and grows the world’s most beloved restaurant brands – Applebee’s (established in 1980), IHOP (founded in 1958), and Fuzzy’s Taco Shop (founded in 2003). With over 100 years of hospitality experience and expertise throughout 18 countries around the world, Dine Brands supports more than 3,400 restaurants and a highly franchised system of nearly 400 franchisees, making it one of the largest full-service restaurant companies in the world. Mission: We are innovators that embrace new ideas, authenticity, and collaboration to unite franchisees, brands, and team members to go further together. Our goal is to sustainably build value for our stockholders and assure the vitality of Dine Brands for our guests, team members, communities, and organizations. We are accountable and can be trusted to deliver exceptional results. We can only reach our potential by working together and choosing the greater good over individual interests. We are strengthened by our differences as an organization and as a business. Innovation is a catalyst for everyday improvement and long-term growth. That is why we appreciate great people, great work, and the impact we have on those around us.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

Dine Brands Global, as a parent company overseeing popular restaurant chains like Applebee’s and IHOP, recognizes the importance of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) sustainability in its operations. Dine Brands Global has committed to energy efficiency across its restaurant portfolio, with initiatives like LED lighting, energy-efficient kitchen equipment, and HVAC system optimizations, resulting in substantial reductions in energy consumption. The company has implemented comprehensive waste reduction programs, emphasizing recycling, composting, and minimizing single-use plastics, achieving a significant decrease in overall waste generation. Dine Brands Global places a strong emphasis on sustainable ingredient sourcing, giving preference to local and organic products when feasible, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of its supply chain and supporting local economies. Dine Brands Global places a strong emphasis on sustainable ingredient sourcing, giving preference to local and organic products when feasible, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of its supply chain and supporting local economies.

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