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Dibble provides a full range of multi-discipline engineering and planning services to clients across Arizona and the Southwestern United States. Our broad market expertise offers the ability to deliver complete engineering solutions, from concept to closeout. Founded in 1962, our business is built on honesty, ethics, accountability, quality and service. This culture leads us to long-term client relationships, allowing us to help our clients meet today’s needs and achieve tomorrow’s goals. Strategically aligned to meet our clients’? needs, Dibble is organized into the following specialized areas of expertise: • Airport Development • Flood Control • Infrastructure Rehabilitation • Land Development • Structural • Survey/GIS • Transportation • Water This organizational structure allows us the flexibility to manage multi-discipline projects, as well as to focus on more specialized needs with the full support and resources of each Practice

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Engineering Services


Structural Engineering

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We nurture relationships with our clients and partners to earn trust and loyalty. We deliver quality work that serves our clients and drives our success. We invest in our people to develop greatness in their personal and professional lives. We give to our communities both locally and professionally. We build our reputation with every team member, every interaction, every day. We take personal responsibility to always act with professionalism.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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Newsweek Excellence 1000

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