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Duratex counts on durability. It makes wood products including hardboard, particle board, and fiberboard from a dozen plants throughout Brazil. The firm sources its own wood with more than 200,000 hectares of primarily eucalyptus forest and has an annual production capacity of approximately 4 million cu. meters of paneling and 6 million sq. meters of laminate flooring. Its products are used for residential and commercial construction and to make furniture and toys. Duratex also makes vitreous china and metal fittings for bathroom use under the Deca brand. Holding companies Itaúsa and Ligna, which have stakes in chemical, retail, construction, and other businesses, together own more than half of Duratex.

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Dexco has a history of commitment to environmental, social, and corporate governance matters that has always been part of its journey. We were born with these intrinsic values in our operations. We believe that cultivating a keen eye for ESG matters is essential for the company’s longevity and we know the role we play in society, which goes beyond the limits of our operations. Aware of the need and our company’s capacity to evolve, we have developed our Sustainability Strategy in line with the current global scenario and our purpose to offer people not only products, but Solutions to a Better Living!

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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