Devoted Health

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Devoted Health is a new healthcare company serving seniors. Our mission is to dramatically improve the health and well-being of older Americans by caring for each and every person like they are family. We are devoted to the health and wellness of our members by helping them navigate the healthcare system with personal guides, by utilizing world-class technology to enable a simplified experience, and by partnering with top providers for better health outcomes. We are guided by a deep belief that every person on Medicare should be treated like we would treat a member of our own family: with loving care and a profound commitment to their health and well-being. “What’ll this be like for our members?” That’s what we’re asking ourselves everyday. If the answer isn’t “simple,” “clear,” “just what they’ll need” — it’s back to the drawing board.

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Hospitals & Healthcare


Health Care Services & Hospitals

ESG/Ethical Impact

Devoted Health demonstrates a commitment to environmental sustainability by integrating responsible practices into its operations. While the primary focus of Devoted Health is on healthcare services, the company’s operations and facilities can also contribute to sustainable practices. Implementing energy-efficient technologies, optimizing resource usage, and adopting eco-friendly office practices are some ways Devoted Health can minimize its ecological footprint. By considering sustainable solutions in its operations, Devoted Health aligns with broader environmental preservation efforts and showcases a holistic approach to addressing environmental challenges. Devoted Health’s social impact is significant, driven by its mission to provide high-quality and accessible healthcare services to seniors. The company’s health plans empower seniors to access comprehensive care, preventive services, and personalized support. Additionally, Devoted Health engages in community outreach, collaborates with healthcare organizations, and supports initiatives that promote healthy aging and well-being. Aligned with its ESG values, Devoted Health recognizes the interconnectedness of responsible practices and sustained financial growth. The company’s integration of sustainability considerations into its financial strategy fosters long-term value creation for members, partners, and investors. Devoted Health’s approach to risk management, innovation, and strategic investments aligns with its commitment to advancing senior healthcare services and outcomes. By aligning financial success with social responsibility, Devoted Health demonstrates that responsible business practices contribute to both financial performance and positive societal impact. Ethics are central to Devoted Health’s operations, reflecting its commitment to patient-centered care, data accuracy, and responsible healthcare support.

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