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DEPT® is a pioneering technology and marketing services company that creates integrated end-to-end digital experiences for brands such as Google, KFC, Philips, Audi, Twitch, Patagonia, eBay, and more. Its team of 4,000+ digital specialists across 30+ locations on 5 continents delivers pioneering work on a global scale with a boutique culture. DEPT® is committed to making a positive impact on the planet and since 2021 has been Climate Neutral and B Corporation certified.

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Information Technology


Internet & Web Services

ESG/Ethical Impact

For us, becoming a B Corp was confirmation that, together, we are building a company that has a positive impact on our people, our clients, the planet and society at large. This mission felt especially important as we worked to achieve certification while collectively battling the COVID-19 pandemic, the Great Resignation, supply chain management issues for clients, economic uncertainty and many other adversities. In order to fully realise our ambitions and improve ourselves across the full spectrum of our business, hard work is ahead of us. Hard work which lies in integrating and implementing our Impact Strategy into all corners of our work at DEPT®. Key to this is finding ways to activate as many of our 3,500+ Depsters as possible and having them focus on working on more impact projects with our clients. We are the only global agency in the world that is truly 50% technology and 50% marketing focused.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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Best Practice Certified

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Best of Best Practices

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Newsweek Excellence 1000

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