Deaconess Health System

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Our commitment to progressive, patient-centered care guides our work every day as our priorities are set and decisions are made with a local focus and direction. At Deaconess, our values are based on our commitment to quality. We define quality as the continuous improvement of services to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of the customers we serve.?Mission: In keeping with our Christian heritage and tradition of service, the mission of Deaconess is to advance the health and well-being of our community, with a compassionate and caring spirit.

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Health Care Services & Hospitals

ESG/Ethical Impact

Deaconess Health System has demonstrated a comprehensive commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) sustainability, underscoring its dedication to responsible healthcare practices across various dimensions of its operations. In terms of environmental impact, Deaconess Health System has embarked on numerous initiatives aimed at reducing its ecological footprint. These include the adoption of advanced energy-efficient technologies, the integration of renewable energy sources, and sustainable construction practices that have collectively led to a significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the institution has placed significant emphasis on water conservation through advanced water management systems, showcasing its commitment to environmental stewardship and resource conservation.

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