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DAWSON is a proven NHO 8(a) small business whose highly skilled staff and specialized staff, in-place management systems, and responsive global reach brings a depth of expertise and versatility to its Construction, Environmental/MMRP, Logistics, and IT/Cyber services. Established in 1994, DAWSON has two decades of demonstrated experience in delivering innovative and cost effective solutions to our customers most challenging problems. DAWSON’s strong entrepreneurial spirit, determined leadership, and commitment to Kupono Ka Hana – Excellence in Service – has enabled the firm to rapidly expand our service offerings and geographic breadth of capabilities. DAWSON actively seeks to hire and retain the best-in-class employees who have the ability to deliver innovative and best-value solutions to complex problems. The dedication, knowledge and skills of our responsive professional teams ensures an outstanding performance.

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ESG/Ethical Impact

DAWSON Impact’s ESG impact revolves around its significant influence on environmental sustainability, its role in promoting social responsibility and community well-being, and its commitment to strong governance practices in the consulting industry. Through its work, the company actively contributes to a more sustainable and responsible business environment, benefiting both its clients and society as a whole

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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Excellence In My Industry

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company has met the criteria of our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business in your specific industry – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Best Practice Certified

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company has met the criteria of our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Best of Best Practices

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company is one of the top 20 companies in your industry that has met the criteria for our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Newsweek Excellence 1000

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company is one of the Top 1000 companies that demonstrate excellence across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.