Daniel® Measurement & Control

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With over 90 years of experience, Daniel is the only manufacturer that has the knowledge and experience to engineer and offer superior products that are trusted to provide the most reliable and accurate measurements in the global oil and gas industry, maximizing profitability and minimizing losses for our customers. Mission: Be the leading brand by delivering the highest quality solutions for our customers’ flow applications worldwide.

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Oil, Gas and Mining


Energy & Utilities

ESG/Ethical Impact

The company has embraced environmental stewardship by developing cutting-edge technologies and solutions that help clients in various industries optimize resource usage, reduce emissions, and minimize environmental impact, thereby promoting sustainability. Daniel® Measurement & Control has established itself as a leader in safety by providing state-of-the-art measurement and control systems that enhance safety in critical processes, reducing risks and ensuring the well-being of personnel. Within its own workforce and in its business practices, Daniel® Measurement & Control promotes diversity and inclusion, fostering an environment where employees from various backgrounds can thrive, contributing to social equality and fairness.

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