D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches

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D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches is a chain of 83 neighborhood-style sandwich shops found throughout New England, in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Founded in 1967 in Dedham, Massachusetts, D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches serves various kinds of grilled, hot and deli sandwiches, rice & grain bowls, lobster rolls, grilled topped salads, wraps and hot soups. Famous for its Steak & Cheese sandwiches, the company’s grilled sandwich Number 9 was called “the finest fast-food sandwich in the land” in a Bloomberg News column.

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ESG/Ethical Impact

D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches has implemented various eco-friendly initiatives. They have reduced their carbon footprint by sourcing ingredients locally whenever possible, thereby minimizing transportation emissions. Furthermore, the company has made substantial efforts to reduce food waste through portion control and food donation programs. They’ve also transitioned to using energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting in their stores, further reducing energy consumption. D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches has a commendable commitment to social responsibility. The company actively engages with local communities by sponsoring events, participating in food drives, and supporting charitable organizations.

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