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Cyient is a global engineering and technology solutions company. We engage with customers across their value chain helping to design, build, operate, and maintain the products and services that make them leaders and respected brands in their industries and markets. Customers draw on Cyient’s expertise in engineering, manufacturing, and digital technology to deliver and support their next-generation solutions that meet the highest standards of safety, reliability, and performance. We deliver our services and solutions to a diversified base of over 300 customers, including 29 Fortune 500 companies, across multiple industries.

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Information Technology Support Services

ESG/Ethical Impact

Cyient has continued to set itself apart as an inspirational organization rooted in good governance for over 31 years. Good governance is central to Cyient’s operations, and we wish to be an organization that is transparent and accountable for its actions that are continuously connected with its stakeholders. Our business success is intricately linked to our talented associates, who are the reason behind the efficient harnessing of technology for complex engineering solutions and, in turn, for every customer’s satisfaction. The Company has nurtured human talent and has the best people to ensure the long-term achievement of business objectives. Over 31 years, we have created meaningful livelihoods for thousands of professionals, several of whom have been associated with us for over 25 years. Enabling the communities in which we operate forms a key pillar of our ESG-led growth strategy. The holistic and inclusive development of society propels India’s economic growth, benefiting our Company and all our stakeholders.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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Excellence In My Industry

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Best Practice Certified

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company has met the criteria of our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Best of Best Practices

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company is one of the top 20 companies in your industry that has met the criteria for our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Newsweek Excellence 1000

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company is one of the Top 1000 companies that demonstrate excellence across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.